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how does the structure of the enzyme's active site determine the substrate it acts upon *

*the title in no way reflects the content of this blog post. When I started typing the title it came up as an option so I decided that a completely irrelevant title was what I wanted to give this post.

Also, this blog was written a long time ago and I never got around to finishing and posting it at the time, but I do still mean what it says so, here it is. Enjoy!

If you follow me or read this, (which, if you're reading this right now, you are at least half guilty of) I just wanted to say,
 If you want to reply then by all means, a comment is welcome.  The real point of my typing at this exact moment in time though, when I could be doing so many other things, is to just send this message out into the vast, mysterious society that is the internet.
You know what?  It's actually more than that though because each member and participant of this strange, abstract society has a heart, a mind, and a soul.  Each set of eyes that will absorb the rays of light that convey this message from me to you have a brain behind them and as I sit here writing, I want to speak to the soul on the receiving end of this series of letters and spaces.
There are many things I'd like to say to you right now.  I think it would be fun if we could trade realizations from the day or cool ideas that we've had recently.  Like the complexity and wonder of how letters came to represent certain sounds for us, and that those sounds, all mushed together have come to mean certain concepts to us-that's been an interesting concept to me. But as this is a blog and not a coffee shop couch or park bench, and I can't sit down with you and talk to you face to face, that may prove a little more difficult than I would like.  I think this time I'll have to settle for clicking a button that sends my composition of words out into the ginormous world wide web, and forever be in oblivion of the extents to which it actually ended up reaching.  Isn't it cool that even after I'm old and gray or even expired and room temperature, this message might still be drifting around on the internet, waiting for an unknowing reader to pull it up?

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