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50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind: 26-31

I haven't answered these questions in a while and it's fun to do.  Sort of like an interview. (For kicks and giggles you can even pretend you're somebody famous and that your answers will be published in a magazine or something!) 
I'm pretty sure that answering these questions hasn't made me more free, but they do make me think about things in a new way and I enjoy that so, here goes this. 

26. Has your greatest fear ever come true?
Well, in order to know the answer to that I have to first think through what my biggest fear is. I've never consciously figured out what my one, biggest fear is.  That's probably a good thing because my goal is to fear God alone.  But since I do have fears, I think the biggest would be that I be totally abandoned by everything and everyone I love.  To have absolutely nothing to find joy or happiness in.
No, it has never happened. And it will never happen because even when the world is burned up, the Lord, who is my source of joy, will still remain.  And so will His love for me.

27.Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
Okay.  This question is really proving it's point because I don't even remember how old I was 5 years ago without counting back the years.  I was *counts on fingers* 14 years old 5 years ago. (Math was never my strong point.) That means I was probably in 8th grade.  That means the thing I was probably upset about was this boy that I really liked who had a girlfriend.  Long story short, although the Lord did use that to shape my heart and personality a lot, no.  It doesn't matter now.

28.What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
This is a toughie. I was blessed with a childhood that I have many, many happy memories from.  I would say one of the best memories I have is from Uzbekistan, I don't remember who all was with me but I know my sister was as well as my best friend were there along with a bunch of other neighbor friends of ours.  We went on a walk across the train tracks nearby to an apple orchard that we weren't supposed to be in. Thinking back on it now, I don't think we would have really gotten hurt or in too much trouble if we were caught.  But the guard started chasing us and we all had to worm our way back out of the fence.  It was exhilarating.  And so much fun.  Probably mostly because of all the adrenaline pumping through our little mischievious bodies. But that's one of my best childhood memories.  Sneaking into an apple orchard.

29.At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
I think probably right now.  I might be wrong. But the thing that makes me say "right now" is the fact that I wouldn't want to trade out the present to go to any time of my past.  And since feeling passionate and alive is one of the best feelings you can have (in my opinion), and I wouldn't trade out what I have now for any time of the past, this must be the most passionate and alive I've felt (at least in a while).

30. If not now, then when?
At just the right time.
For some of the things that come to mind at the prompting of that question, the above is my answer. 
For some others my answer is: good point.

31. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
My dignity maybe?  The time it takes to achieve something that might be better spent achieving something else? 
I'm sort of being difficult in regards to answering the question but my point is that sometimes, it's okay to not have things achieved yet that you want to achieve at some point.  For example:  I want to get married and have a family someday, but I'm alright with the fact that I don't have that yet and can achieve other things in the meantime. 
For everything there is a season.  Some things are meant to be achieved now, some later.  What I would like now is to have the wisdom to distinguish between the two.

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