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Showing posts from October, 2013

Getting the hang of it.

Oh, that struggle between the things I thought made up who I was and the things I choose now to be the person I want to be. I know that my identity lies untouchable in Jesus and the fact that He vouches for the wretch that I once was.  I'm not saying that things I do can either save or damn me.  Besides accepting Jesus, there isn't anything.  I'm talking about the kind of person I am. To gain those things you never thought possible, you have to give up things you never have(or something like that).  We've all heard a variation of the thought before, but I find myself making the choice again and again to give up those things I've grown used to in myself that really don't mean all that much to me for the sake of gaining things much, much better. It's hard to give up the McDisgusting in exchange for a steak dinner if you've only ever driven the road to McDonald's.  It's habit.  You might even be craving a filet mignon but the simple truth is tha...

The Great Things

Instead of falling limp at the first sign of imperfection let's do the work that makes things and people great. Sweat, tears, prayers, trust. Instead of cowering away from ideas for amazing things because we don't feel adequate, let's decide to do our best and let God fill in the rest. Instead of looking at the sea of messes that need to be cleaned up and losing heart, let's start with what we can affect and watch The Lord use the ripples to reach far and wide.  Instead of slumping into the persona attributed to this generation, let's keep our heads up but chins down and show them that's not what we're about. Instead of selling out to the easiest thing, let's learn to wait for the good ones. Because there are good ones. Were actually promised to reap a harvest of righteousness if we don't lose heart and give up. I don't know exactly what that is, but I know it is worth it and I know it's good. Instead of building who we ar...

Le Podcast

So this Podcast thing.  It's finally coming together a little bit more.  I have my cover art, changed the name, actually got the cover art up, and posted my second podcast.  Yay! So on iTunes, now you can find it by searching "I'd like to add" and it should come up.  The cover art looks like this so you know what to look for.  My sister took the photo (I wish I had), and I really like it.  I like how it kind of represents how these thoughts are just there, in the middle of a world full of comings and goings.  Anyway, if you're into that sort of thing, go check out the podcast!