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Showing posts from November, 2013

Where is your stock?

I'm just here to say hi and tell you what's on my mind. It's been a short-ish past two weeks (or at least they seemed like it).  They had ups and downs and turning arounds (I don't exactly know what that would mean, but it rhymed, ok?). I have added a podcast to the mix since I posted last (which I think was October 19th).  I guess I'm spreading myself a little thinner with both of those projects now as opposed to when I just had a blog to share my thoughts through. Basically, most of the time, I might post a little further and fewer between through both of the venues than I would if I only had one but I'm okay with that.  I like the variety of them both.  They stretch me differently.  This brings me to think that I'm excited for more of the creative outlets that I'll discover through life that will prove to stretch me but are enjoyable and in the end, worth it.  Another of these enjoyable stretches I've discovered is school.  I really...