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Where is your stock?

I'm just here to say hi and tell you what's on my mind.
It's been a short-ish past two weeks (or at least they seemed like it).  They had ups and downs and turning arounds (I don't exactly know what that would mean, but it rhymed, ok?).
I have added a podcast to the mix since I posted last (which I think was October 19th).  I guess I'm spreading myself a little thinner with both of those projects now as opposed to when I just had a blog to share my thoughts through. Basically, most of the time, I might post a little further and fewer between through both of the venues than I would if I only had one but I'm okay with that.  I like the variety of them both.  They stretch me differently.  This brings me to think that I'm excited for more of the creative outlets that I'll discover through life that will prove to stretch me but are enjoyable and in the end, worth it.  Another of these enjoyable stretches I've discovered is school.  I really enjoy learning and having accomplished things.  Crossing things off my to-do list is oh so gratifying for me and school completely fits that mold.  Not to mention that a lot of the older people around me are all happy about me going to school and getting a degree but honestly that's not why I'm there.  It's really nice that I'll (hopefully, someday) get a return on all that I'm pouring into the classes I'm taking.  But that's not the point.  Because, as my friend Abby just wrote in her blog today,
"So far I have learned my identity is not in my intelligence, my GPA, my school, or my career. My identity is in my Saviour, Jesus Christ. Also, He has a plan for my life and I’m not in charge. His plan is greater than I can imagine and He doesn’t make mistakes. I cannot live up to everyone’s expectations but that actually is okay. He is there to fill in the gap and I already have favor in my Father’s eyes. He will provide what I need, through any means, not necessarily a well-paying career. His assets are limitless!"
The point of my life is not to become self-sufficient and proud of what I can and cannot do.  It's hard sometimes to not be selfish and only worry about filling that black hole of self-validation through accomplishment, stuff, relationships, distractions, food, entertainment (and on and on the list can go).  He gives me a way out. He saved me, not only from my sins, but also from the throbbing and nagging feeling of needing to find something to put my hope in.  He gave me Himself.

I've been thinking about selfishness lately.  "What brought that to mind?" you may ask.  Well, I did.
I can be so selfish. 
Just the day before yesterday, I was getting upset at my sister for using my  body wash that I bought for myself from Bath and Body Works.  I could smell it in the air as she got out of the shower and I'm telling you, nothing like smelling the evidence right on the perpetrator.  I was pretty peeved.  Not so much that she had used it but that I hadn't given her permission.  I was upset that I hadn't had time to get used to the idea of parting with that teaspoon of body wash.  My selfishness was really shining.
The next day, I was showering and went to use my body wash (which had since been labeled with my name) and saw hers right next to mine.  Except hers didn't have her name on it.  Hers had "For Errybody" written clearly in the same place where I had clearly written my name on my bottle of body wash.  OOF.  Right in the feels.  Right where it hurts.  And as that kindness hit me like a brick wall to the face, a lot of things sort of came crumbling down. 
My security found in material things isn't good enough. 
Because sometimes people use your body wash and that can't get to you that much or throughout the course of life you will FALL. APART.  Tangible things cannot be what you find your importance in or you will find yourself behaving like a selfish little brat and realize that placing your hope in a million little material things is worthless.
No.  My hope, my identity, my validity, my value (and a million other dependencies we humans have) must be found in Jesus. 
The Jesus who turned the other cheek and encourages us to do the same.  The Jesus who said that where our treasure is, our heart will be also.  I want my treasure and heart to be found in Him.
There is so much body wash (or whatever your idols prove to be) in the world.  I implore you to save yourself the heartache and the self-hatred that comes of being disappointed by those things--and they will disappoint--and put your stock in Jesus.
It's not so much a one-time decision, like accepting him in the first place.  It's every moment, choosing to find your hope in Him and not every other thing in this world vying for the affection of your heart.
Therefore, since we have these promises,
dear friends, let us purify ourselves
from everything that contaminates
body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
2 Corinthians 7:1

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