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A little update...

As you know, it hath been a while.  That's because things have been busy.  From school to work to friends to Florida, I've kind of been all over the place.  That's why I wanted to write a little update post.

Random Things
I live at home with my two parents and sister.  My parents and I get along quite well although I think all of us are trying to adjust to me being grown up but still living with them.  I have a sister who is 2 1/2 years younger than me but sometimes she amazes me with how wise and insightful she can be, other times she lives up to being a typical younger sister but not ever in too bad of ways.  We have two dogs at my house, Dolly is turning 10 today (we think today is her birthday) and the other (Missy) is her puppy and she's 5.  I have a weird voice I talk to (and for) my dogs in (somewhat similar to how Kristoff talks for his reindeer in Frozen, except I'm more annoying about it-or so I hear).  We also have a fish who we've owned for over a week now but we still can't decide on a name for him.  That hasn't been a problem yet, it just feels impersonal to have a pet with no name though so I'm gonna get on that.  I have the best boyfriend in the whole world and won't be convinced otherwise.  He's my best friend and he encourages me when I'm down, helps me see it when I'm wrong, and sacrifices his own comfort to bless me on a daily basis.  He's so great. 

Me Lately: One of the hardest things for me to remember and fully believe lately is that I am saved by grace and not my own works, so I'm trying to remember it often and live in the presence of God, who reminds me in such sweet ways that he loves me so much more than I will ever understand.  I really enjoy listening to music or sermon podcasts that talk about how God sees us, or just funny radio shows on my way to work.  I like to read books, play candy crush and browse imgur and instagram, and crochet.  I know how to knit as well but it's slower and not quite as gratifying as crocheting, so I crochet because after all, it is just a hobby.  I also like watching shows on netflix (sometimes a few times over again) and working out at my gym, Planet Fitness (which I have been quite impressed with so far).   I am simply really amused by 90's/early 2000's things, a lot like some people love the 80's.  It is what it is.
I also really enjoy writing.   I aspire to write figuratively jaw-droppingly well.  To appreciate even (especially) the little things that make up life and to tell the story of the beauty I percieve in a worthy way.  I'll tell you a secret: I'm usually afraid that I won't do it justice.  I think it would be awesome to write a book but I'm kind of scared to death that it wouldn't be perfect, so I sort of don't even want to do it at all, which is odd because that isn't how I feel about a lot of things in life.  I'm not usually a perfectionist, but with writing, I kind of am.  Maybe someday I'll work myself up to a book, but for now I hope it could be possible that all the posts of this blog make up a sort of mural that aptly images the beauty that I see in life.

I'm taking two classes right now at my city's community college.  Sometimes I think it would be cool to go to some prestigious place like Harvard or Notre Dame or Yale or even some state school that everybody's probably heard of, but a) I like that I get to go to school and actually save money while doing it instead of going into debt b) I like that I have a life going on outside of school and everything it encompasses.  Plus, I sort of have a Schrodinger's Cat thing going on this way.  If I never applied to Harvard or Yale, I am neither accepted nor rejected and am both accepted and rejected (but the accepted part is fun to theorize). It's a fun theory, just let me have this one ok?
Plus, my family, my friends, my church, my work, Jake- It's all here and going to school where I do works out for me to pursue school and the other things that mean a lot to me so I appreciate that.  I was planning on getting on the track for this school's nursing program but upon further review and multiple sources telling me how intensely hard it is, I am considering some other avenues.  Primarily because I don't want to have to sacrifice all the other areas of my life in order to go through this particular program. I don't really have my mind made up yet about what my new plan will be, but as the classes I'm in will transfer into another program I'm considering, I've got some time to think about it. I am pretty confident about this decision not to go through with my previous plan and I have a lot of peace about that.

With a change in my educational plan, and the realization that this is the time of life to try different things,  I'm considering what sorts of jobs I want to explore.  Originally when I got the job I have now, it was only going to be temporary.  Then I changed my plans (yes, this happens often, and I don't regret that) and just kept working where I am.  In about 2 weeks, I will have worked at my current job for two years.  I have been incredibly blessed having the job I have.  My plan (up until last week) was to keep working here until I graduated and became a nurse, then I thought I could just go right into a nursing career.  But when I had my little epiphany last week that the program I was planning on wasn't for me, a lot of things that I thought were set in place became a lot more freed up.  I had the thought that now would be such a good time for me to try a different kind of job in a different field to see what I'm well suited for and what kind of work I really enjoy.  For a long time I've known that I love working hands on with people, and lately I've been thinking that it would be cool to find a job where I would have the opportunity to do that more.  I also really love the idea of involving some of my passions in my work too, so we'll see where that goes and what kind of opportunities open up.

When I think about the future, my first impulse is to think that it's a scary place, but when I break it down and think about my fairly near future, I'm more hopeful and excited about the adventure than scared.  I would like to have a college degree sometime before or around at least the next 5 years.  I would like to find my niche and at least have explored a different job by that time.  I would absolutely looove to have done some more travel at least in the U.S., and possibly even outside of the country.  I'd like to get married at some point in there too. 

There are definitely a lot of "ifs, ands and buts" in the mix too, but even though sometimes individual choices and situations at hand can seem daunting, if there's one thing I've learned so far and am absolutely sure of, it's that I will always have God there working everything together for my good and his glory.  I have no need for worry.

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