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The awesomeness of blogging

I was laying in bed, acknowledging that I had drank caffeinated coffee too late in the afternoon to go to bed at a work night time, and trying to think of what to do instead of just laying there tossing and turning.  Then, I remembered what I had been inwardly itching to do all day- Blog.  And a big old smile from the sheer happiness of having the privilege to blog spread across my face.

Seriously, how cool is it that I, or you, or just about anyone can get to blog and at any time of the day or night, at the littlest random thought, however a long or short a post, say whatever they want to say in a post and put it out there for the whole world (both now and in the future) to see.
Obviously, like most things in life, it has it's pros and cons.  There are some real creeps out there with blogs that I'm tempted to say shouldn't have blogs. But that's sort of the beauty of it.  Knowing that there are some WEIRD blogs out there does give me a little confidence that if, for some reason, The Blog Police ever becomes a thing, I might be safe - at least for a while.
That's probably super Politically Incorrect cause it's throwing the Weird Blog Authors under the bus, but it's just true.  And there's another beauty of blogs- they can be just as politically incorrect as your thoughts are sometimes- and let's face it, we all have them.  Politically incorrect thoughts, I mean.  A blog is just a place to be honest with yourself and possibly every other person who is or ever will be on the planet.  It's a place where hopefully, people can find a raw, real person.  Because there's not a lot of filter.  Not for your ideas anyway.  There are no bosses you have to submit an article to before it can be published in a few days.  It's instant.  And that can be bad and good.  For instance, many of us may struggle with overusing commas. (Guilty as charged.)  BUT, I can deal with too many commas if it means that at the end of a post, I've just seen a glimpse into a real, raw person-if they're brave enough to show it.  Sometimes real is ugly, but I think it's great.  Because for better or worse, truth is a good thing, even if it's rough.  It's where we all have to start.

That's really all I have to say for now because, as I'm glad to report, I'm getting sleepy so I'm going to let that have it's way.
Goodnight readers of this amazing thing called a blog.

And P.S. I will be back soon.  I've got to let you in on what I've been spending a lot of time on lately (and, coincidentally, the thing that's hogged some of the time I might have spent writing blog posts on here).

Good night!

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