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Feeling Better

Today, I had this sentence come to mind from (seemingly) out of nowhere. It was "just because something makes you feel better doesn't mean it's the right thing".
I'm not leaking any secret or interrupting your favorite TV show with breaking news here.  We all know that what feels good isn't always what's good for us.  However, when it's not incredibly obvious that what FEELS good isn't what IS good, I find myself inclined to choose what makes me feel better without even thinking about whether that thing is actually good or not.

I wasn't really planning on writing about it until tonight.  I was sitting in my living room just now and I noticed something out of the corner of my eye as I was checking Facebook.  There was a moth (or some kind of bug) flying around a lamp we have.  The light and warmth seemed to drive it crazy and although it could have just flown away, the moth kept hovering over the light, getting closer to it and coming away again.  Then, it disappeared into where the lightbulb is and came back out again.  Then it disappeared into where the lightbulb is and didn't come back out and I could see dust particles rising from the lamp (although I think it was really pieces of the now cooked moth splattering up).  Then I realized how important it is that I get this through my head.  Just because something makes me feel better doesn't mean it's the right thing.
I'd rather not learn the hard way.

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