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It's rough, but . . .

We all have those days where nothing seems to work the way you planned and it all does the opposite of what you were trying to get done.  I'm having a couple of those weeks.  The weeks that seem like they could have well been the inspiration for the book series AND movie "A Series of Unfortunate Events". 
Just, nothing seems to work right. 
No.  Not nothing.  Just a lot of things. 
And that's my fight right now and really for all of life:
To be able to see the things that aren't going wrong even though it may seem that the majority of things are going wrong.
But it's so rough. 
Let me start with my phone story (partly because it explains why I'm so frustrated and partly just because I'd like to vent).
My old phone slowly just stopped working.  That sucked. The screen would turn completely white every once in a while but then go back to normal.  And then it would turn black.  And once it went black it just stopped going back to normal.  (Well I guess what they say is right: once you go black you never go back. Sorry, I just had to. ;)
So then, I got an iPhone from ebay.  Then the back glass on that phone was scratched, so it didn't take good pictures.  So I got a replacement back.  The replacement back didn't have a flash diffuser (Hey, if you're ever getting an iPhone replacement back, make sure it has a flash diffuser.  Just trust me on this one).  So I had to send that one back and am in the process of getting a refund from the company (who were really helpful btw).
Meanwhile, I got a different phone from a lady that I work with but since I had one I decided to sell it.  But once I had made a deal with somebody, I realized that I could've kept that phone in the family cause my mom (who has taken care of and fed me and funded me and invested herself into me since I was concieved. No, before that even) is looking for a phone too (which, I could have made that possible for her.  But no, I had to go and be hasty).  Uggh.
Meanwhile, I decided to sell my iPod on ebay since with a phone, it was redundant to have.  But I forgot to mention "U.S. Only" and some guy in England bought it and I had to let him know I wasn't interested in selling it anymore. He gave me a hard time about that for a little while.  It was a good thing I didn't sell it though because he ended up deleting his ebay account  not 3 days after this all went down (suspicious much?). 
Among bubly screen protectors and my battery running out more quickly than it seems like it should, the night before yesterday, my phone's (the new one) screen just went completely black. J
AAAAHHHH!!!1 Oh also, I got a completely flat tire on my car ON A MONDAY, of course..
During this time I thought, "You have to be kidding! Why me?? WHYYYY???" like a big baby.  If I believed in bad luck, I would think I've had it these past few weeks. 
This sounds like a whine fest but let me get on to my real point-
Throughout it all, it ALL could have been much worse. These are all first world problems, some of the best kind to have.  I could have sold my iPod to the suspicious Englishman and gotten ripped off and not had an alternative means of communication when my iPhone stopped working for a day.  I could have hit somebody with my car (and I haven't done that).  I could have gotten hit in my car.   I could have NOT had my grandpa's car to be able to drive that day, but I did.  I could have found out I had a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, but that didn't happen either.  I could have never been able to get my phone fixed.  But best yet, it could have just so happened that I wouldn't have had the Lord to be my strtength or great friends and an awesome family throughout it all, but I do.

It's so easy for me to focus on the really downright sucky things in life but let's look at it the other way: what are all the amazing things I've been blessed with, and what trial has he counted me worthy of going through so that my faith will be proved as more precious than gold?

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