So last night I was in the shower thinking. (It's not always necessary that I tell you where I was while thinking, but for me, shower thinking is just different than the normal thinking, you know? You too? Maybe not. That's okay. :) I was thinking about how thankful I've been feeling lately. Like, it's just flowing out of my heart. I'm not even trying to "prime" the "thankfulness pump"- it's just flowing out of me. And this is a real thought I had. "Too bad it's not thanksgiving." And then I thought, "That's rediculous!" Because I should be overflowing with thanks ALL THE TIME! Not just on Thanksgiving! I certainly have enough to be thankful for! So, I decided that (including, but not limited to) every thursday, I want to make a Thankful Post where I talk about one thing, 100 things (or any number in between of things) that I'm thankful for. A) It will keep me writing AT LEAST once a week (which ...