So last night I was in the shower thinking. (It's not always necessary that I tell you where I was while thinking, but for me, shower thinking is just different than the normal thinking, you know? You too? Maybe not. That's okay. :)
I was thinking about how thankful I've been feeling lately. Like, it's just flowing out of my heart. I'm not even trying to "prime" the "thankfulness pump"- it's just flowing out of me. And this is a real thought I had.
"Too bad it's not thanksgiving."
And then I thought,
"That's rediculous!"
Because I should be overflowing with thanks ALL THE TIME! Not just on Thanksgiving!
I certainly have enough to be thankful for!
So, I decided that (including, but not limited to) every thursday, I want to make a Thankful Post where I talk about one thing, 100 things (or any number in between of things) that I'm thankful for.
A) It will keep me writing AT LEAST once a week (which I have been failing, miserably, to do lately).
B) If I'm not feeling thankful that day, writing the post should do well to remind me of at least one thing to be thankful for.
C) Why thursdays? Because I like alliterations, Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday and I'm thankful for Thursdays because they're my favorite day of the week (I couldn't tell you many reasons why though, because I don't have many. I just like it.)
Today is Friday but in honor of my first post of this genre, I'll say that I'm thankful that I can enjoy the fulfillment of just being thankful. It sounds a little silly and redundant, but being thankful evokes joy in me, and I'm thankful for that.
I was thinking about how thankful I've been feeling lately. Like, it's just flowing out of my heart. I'm not even trying to "prime" the "thankfulness pump"- it's just flowing out of me. And this is a real thought I had.
"Too bad it's not thanksgiving."
And then I thought,
"That's rediculous!"
Because I should be overflowing with thanks ALL THE TIME! Not just on Thanksgiving!
I certainly have enough to be thankful for!
So, I decided that (including, but not limited to) every thursday, I want to make a Thankful Post where I talk about one thing, 100 things (or any number in between of things) that I'm thankful for.
A) It will keep me writing AT LEAST once a week (which I have been failing, miserably, to do lately).
B) If I'm not feeling thankful that day, writing the post should do well to remind me of at least one thing to be thankful for.
C) Why thursdays? Because I like alliterations, Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday and I'm thankful for Thursdays because they're my favorite day of the week (I couldn't tell you many reasons why though, because I don't have many. I just like it.)
Today is Friday but in honor of my first post of this genre, I'll say that I'm thankful that I can enjoy the fulfillment of just being thankful. It sounds a little silly and redundant, but being thankful evokes joy in me, and I'm thankful for that.