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Showing posts from October, 2012

Blessed are the pure in heart.

I have been thinking about Matthew 5 (and 6 and 7) a lot lately.  Particularly, the beatittudes have caught my attention and haven't surendered it.  The same thing happened a few months ago and I had a thought that changed the way I looked at one of them. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."  (Matthew 5:8) says the following of pure: adjective, pur·er, pur·est. 1. free from anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind; free from extraneous matter 2. unmodified by an admixture; simple or homogeneous 3. of unmixed descent or ancestry 4. free from foreign or inappropriate elements 5. clear; free from blemishes That verse had always made me a little sad. I was discouraged because I thought it was unattainable; I know I've been contaminated and my heart is a far cry from being pure.  I was born inferior.  I know I have let myself be modified by ...

A reminder from my dog. Part 2

Welp, I'm at it again.  When I wrote the first reminder from my dog , I didn't plan on there being a "Part 2" but a "Part 2" emerged and I decided to write it.  I imagine once (Lord willing) I have kids, I'll get some good reminders from them but for now, dogs it is. This one is about my other dog, Dolly.  She's Missy's mom.   My poopy. I got home from work and grocery shopping the other afternoon and as soon as I stepped in the door, she was acting WEIRD. I mean, she's a dog so she's expected to do weird things sometimes.  But she wasn't her usual, weird self.  She was acting guilty .   I went to my sister and my rooms to make sure she hadn't messed with our garbage (a cherished pastime of hers).  She hadn't indulged. I picked her up and checked the living room and behind the couch for a mess but I couldn't find any.  I still haven't found what she was being weird over.  As I gave up the s...

One of those days.

Hey. Lets just get to business.  This is one of THOSE posts because this is one of  those days.  I am discouraged today.  I'm confused.  I'm hurt.  I feel overwhelmed and like I'm just throwing my hands up.  It's one of those "Jesus, take the wheel" kind of days for me (as cliche as it is to quote a Carrie Underwood song).  It's a day where I am tempted to choose apathy over trust since in the case of the former, I would still have some sense of control.  But the truth is, I don't.  I just don't.  And that's a wonderful thing. Jesus never called me to apathy, but He has called me to trust Him-over and over and over and over.  So there's some clarity in that at least. I trust that He is worth trusting.  Because He is God.  Because He loved me first.  Because He decided that it would be worth it to die for me. I, for one, probably would have thought that it was an unwis...

101 Posts!

You, my friend, are reading my 101st post! What what??!! I wasn't sure what to write about for my 101st post.  But I know now.  The lady who cleans this office I work at helped me figure it out.  Without even knowing. She came in and I said, "Good morning! How are you?"  "Pretty good, I need some coffee *laughter, hug*, how are you?" "I'm pretty good.  How are you?"  and, graciously, she answered me again instead of looking at me like I was some robot with a short. It's not that big of a deal (not to use this as a crutch but I didn't sleep a lot last night, which is my fault, but still-it makes me a little slower today than normal). So I asked her how she was doing twice.  There are worse things I could've said or done.    But that got me thinking, "Did I mean any of what I just said?"  and I think the answer to most of that was no . And in that moment I resolved to be more intentional, notwithstanding the mun...

I don't want a darkened heart.

Romans 1:21 "For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened." Wow.  I do not want that .  For a while I was sort of under the impression that as long as I knew God, I would be ok. But I've got my part to do.  He didn't call me to honor Him as God and give thanks to Him for nothing. It scares me that it is possible to know God but become futile in thinking with a darkened, foolish heart.  Stuff just got real when the truth hits me that we humans can taste the goodness of God and then  still turn away.  At the same time it's beautiful because God doesn't force us to love Him.  Because of this though, God allows our hearts to be darkened if that's what we choose.  I do not want a dark heart.  Gross. He has given me the option and I can take it or leave it.  To leave it thoug...

Post Prompts I

I googled blog post prompts just for fun and found a website with a whole bunch.  Rather than writing whole posts on some of the topics, I decided to do interview style responses. Write about the first time you broke the law. When I was 4, stole a handful of grass seed from a store. Felt awful but never admitted to it untill way later. They knew I was lying but never prosecuted (is it even possible to prosecute a 4 year old?).  I discarded the evidence onto their lawn as soon as I got out of the store (I guess that was sort of smart).  Why grass seed? Good question.  Your favorite vacation spot or place that you've traveled to. An Island in Malaysia called Redang. Everything about that place looked like those tropical photos you secretly doubt the existence of.  Straight up B-E-A-U-tiful. Write about the passing of a loved one. My Grandma died 2 years ago on the 4th of July (ironic, don't you think?).  For me, the whole experience wa...

A reminder from my dog.

 This is Missy. Missy is cute. Not to be one of those people that lets their pets infiltrate the rest of their lives, but I learned (or was moreso reminded of) something from my dog last night. I was sitting on this low couch we have (my mom made it - she's all creative like that) and cuddling my dogs.  I cuddled Dolly (Missy's mom) and after I put her down she just walked away.  Then I picked missy up and put her on my lap and kissed her on the head, but she (without missing a beat) started climbing up and trying to get closer to my face (in order to lick it no doubt).  I know I'm using my dogs as an analogy.  I know how lame that is.  Sorry .  But bear with me here. I couldn't help but draw a symbolization between what my dogs did and what I do with God.  Maybe everyone else doesn't struggle with this, but I have a hard time returning to the Lord when I've felt a good dose of His love or spent a lot...

Annnd more pictures.

Albeit random, here's a few snapshots from my life lately. A Wedding! Who doesn't love a good wedding? These were the first changing leaves I saw up close and the moment I realized that Fall is HERE. YESS!       I have a new cousin once removed!     One of by bestest friends.  We like to be together.  And make jokes.  And wear legit-looking Armani bracelets. Afew saturdays ago, I painted my nails, baked some (healthy, might I add) pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and went skydiving.  I felt very accomplished that day. This is on the wall at my grandpa's house.  I like it a lot.  Simple and to the point. I consider this good decoration.   Who doesn't enjoy a nice Nicolas Cat collage?     No effects. Just the sky.   Oh gosh folks, I'm getting sooo excited!

5 Things

I really like lists. I'm gonna start making some.  Here's one: five things I'm thankful and happy about today. Including, but not limited to, those pictured above. 1.  Friends that don't give up on me .   Lately I've been musing about how grateful I am about the fact that God has blessed me (immensely) with some really amazing friends.  I have had friends sort of give up on me in the past (because let's face it, sometimes I'm not so easy to love).  But that fact draws my appreciation to another fact: that other friends of mine have been wonderfully fantastic to me, despite myself. (picture functions for exemplifying 2 & 4) 2. My job(s).   I am extremely, incredibly, over-the-top blessed to have not one but two jobs that I enjoy.   I mean, don't get me wrong, work is work and I love having days off.  But for being jobs, my socks are blessed off that I have jobs and by the ones that I get to have.  ...