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A reminder from my dog.

This is Missy. Missy is cute.
Not to be one of those people that lets their pets infiltrate the rest of their lives, but I learned (or was moreso reminded of) something from my dog last night.
I was sitting on this low couch we have (my mom made it - she's all creative like that) and cuddling my dogs.  I cuddled Dolly (Missy's mom) and after I put her down she just walked away.  Then I picked missy up and put her on my lap and kissed her on the head, but she (without missing a beat) started climbing up and trying to get closer to my face (in order to lick it no doubt). 

I know I'm using my dogs as an analogy.  I know how lame that is.  Sorry.  But bear with me here.

I couldn't help but draw a symbolization between what my dogs did and what I do with God. 

Maybe everyone else doesn't struggle with this, but I have a hard time returning to the Lord when I've felt a good dose of His love or spent a lot of time in His word.  Almost like how I wouldn't want to chug a cup of water if I'm not thirsty (or so it seems).
I think my problem is that (metaphorically) I'm under the impression that I'm not thirsty when I really am.  But the truth is, I will never have had enough of God.  To think that I would be better off if I distance myself from something good is just wrong.  It's not a conscious decision I make, but I should be held responsible for more than just my conscious decisions.  Backing off from God because I feel like I can't 'handle' all that love and goodness just isn't ok.

There have been a whole bunch of things in my life confirming this thought lately: Hunger and thirst for the Lord are good and when I feel like seeking Him, wonderful!  But even when I don't feel hungry and thirsty or like I need to be seeking Him, I really do need to be. 
I need to keep coming back for more of what I know is good for me, no matter how I feel at the time.   
It's not something I can get myself pumped up for because the whole point is that I don't feel like doing it at the time.  But I want to be close to His heart and I can't do that if I take a step back after every step forward. 

 No more backward steps (with His help).  

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