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Washington, D.C. I

I got back about a month ago from Washington D.C. and though I've only been there twice, I always find that I enjoy myself immensely when I am there.  For so many reasons I enjoy the city.  One reason is the architecture that takes my breath away.  I am awed by the creativity and strength in the design of the buildings, which remind me of another reason I am such a fan of Washington D.C..  Looking at the setup of the historical landmarks and the designs of the buildings themselves I am reminded of the weight of what goes on there on a daily basis.  Not only are these buildings houses of world-changing laws are being made in on a daily basis, they are historical monuments.

On January 23rd, I (and a group of others from my town) was blessed to be given a tour of the Capitol Building by Marlin Stutzman (Indiana 3rd district congressional representative) and his wife, Christy.  As we went through the building, Mrs. Stutzman told the group stories of many different, historical men and women and unique, interesting things they did.  It was so intriguing to hear these stories of people I had always heard about, but didn't know much about, doing amazing things and witnessing miracles of God in their lives.

The stories showed me so clearly that the success of this nation does not lie in our tremendous talent of negotiating with other countries (oh wait, we don't have that, just nuclear bombs), our capability to run a country on a balanced budget (oh wait, we don't have that either, just a huge deficit), or our competence to administer justice not only in our country, but around the world (oh wait, we don't have that EITHER, because there are still heinous crimes going on in this country and all over the planet).  This country has and continues to witness blessings, I believe, because our forefathers honored God (or at least seemingly attempted to) when setting up the foundations of this nation.

This thought brings another thought to mind.  Well, more of a rhetorical question: if a person were to design their life on the same grounds that our forefathers laid our nation on, that is, to be biblically sound and God-honoring, would that person experience unexplained blessings as America has?

As God as my witness, I have reason to believe they would.


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