Life is made of the strangest things.
Helpless infants, helpless old people, sunsets, sunless tanner, broken hearts and hopes, natural highs, punk rock, musicals, weddings, fragranced body lotioin, dirt roads, authors, autistic people, kiddie pools, the ocean, cookouts, steakouts, netflix, knitting, nailpolish, mowing the lawn, eating out, the zoo, body spray, coffee, funerals, birthday parties, hot air balooning . . .
The list goes on.
And I don't even have a theme in mind for this post as I write it, standing here in the middle of the cosmetics section of a department store. Just that life is so full of EVERYTHING and at this very moment, I don't really know how to feel about that.
A little scared, some disappointment and worry, some excitement and nervousness. Exhaustion and the jitters. Overwhelm, sadness, hope, neutrality, positivity, nothing at all.
I guess I sort of do have a point, only because it's something I need to hear today.
Life is huge. And messy. And happy, and sad and overwhelming and indescribable in its entirety. But I know that in the midst of this unexplainable life, there is a God who loves me and is strong.
Even though it's not every day that the thought of life being so vast shakes me to my core, I know that every day, including these days, I can trust Him.
And even though that doesn't make life any less of a big scary monster, I know I'm safe in my Father's arms as I face it.
Helpless infants, helpless old people, sunsets, sunless tanner, broken hearts and hopes, natural highs, punk rock, musicals, weddings, fragranced body lotioin, dirt roads, authors, autistic people, kiddie pools, the ocean, cookouts, steakouts, netflix, knitting, nailpolish, mowing the lawn, eating out, the zoo, body spray, coffee, funerals, birthday parties, hot air balooning . . .
The list goes on.
And I don't even have a theme in mind for this post as I write it, standing here in the middle of the cosmetics section of a department store. Just that life is so full of EVERYTHING and at this very moment, I don't really know how to feel about that.
A little scared, some disappointment and worry, some excitement and nervousness. Exhaustion and the jitters. Overwhelm, sadness, hope, neutrality, positivity, nothing at all.
I guess I sort of do have a point, only because it's something I need to hear today.
Life is huge. And messy. And happy, and sad and overwhelming and indescribable in its entirety. But I know that in the midst of this unexplainable life, there is a God who loves me and is strong.
Even though it's not every day that the thought of life being so vast shakes me to my core, I know that every day, including these days, I can trust Him.
And even though that doesn't make life any less of a big scary monster, I know I'm safe in my Father's arms as I face it.