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Thankful: To write.

Tonight I was looking over the blog.
You know, trying to get a little better at walking the walk as I type the talk.
Anyway, as I closed the browser window, it gushed into my mind and into a prayer, "Thank you that I can write."
I'm not trying to be self-complimentary by saying this.  I'm not trying to say that I have something completely new to say or an eloquent way to say it.  I only have what I'm given, but I do know I've been given something.  I don't want to overlook that just for the sake of humility; whether it's trying to look humble or trying to be something I think is humility but really isn't.
I'm simply thankful for what I've been given.

I'm thankful for a computer I can sit down and type on.  I'm thankful for a pen and paper I can sit down and write with.  I'm thankful for a phone with which, heck, I can speak my thoughts to, it will turn it into text, and will save (or even publish) a draft from anywhere with wifi or cell phone service (which is limited with T-Mobile as your service provider but I'm not complaining).
I'm not only thankful for the resources but the subject matter I have to write about.  I have life.  I've been blessed with the opportunity to live on this earth.  That's nothing to sneeze at.  And not only do I have life, I have a Holy God who is (and for the duration of my earthly life, will be) working on me and establishing my heart.  I have someone who is faithful to me even when I'm not faithful to Him and if that isn't worthy subject matter, I don't know what is.

Not only do I have the deep, spiritual subject matter to muse on, but I have all the other things.  My likes and interests and relationships.  My favorite books or movies or music.  My family and my friends and the man I love.  And on and on it goes.
If I compared with some I wouldn't think so, but the truth is, I have so much to write about and the capability to write it.
This is out of my comfort zone to outrightly say, but I'm thankful for the ability to piece words together in a way that (I think) is fairly understandable to read and easy to relate to.  I'm thankful for the opportunity to speak into people's lives, or maybe just one person's life, some encouragement that they might not have found elsewhere.  I'm thankful for how my being able to write has been used in the past and I'm thankful for the ways God will use it in the future.

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