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Music: Kings of Leon

Happy Tuesday Morning, dear blog readers.  Like I said in my post yesterday, I want to post more often.  Content may sometimes be trivial and length unintimidating and short ("OOOh good.  Finally!" you may be thinking).  Actually, that's sort of one of the side goals of posting more often- some shorter and more light hearted posts. 

Today, I'm sharing with you what I've been listening to as of late which, subsequently is also what's playing in my head.  It's the new Kings of Leon Mechanical Bull album.  I actually picked this bad boy up for $7 on black friday but couldn't decide whether I wanted to keep it or not.  After it sitting, unopened, in a target bag on the floor of my room for about a month and a half, I decided to just open the thing.  I had gotten one of the songs, Temple, as a free download from starbucks and really liked it.  I also listened to the rest of the album on Spotify to see if I actually wanted it and I liked the sound of most of the songs on there.  I will warn you that a few of them have some language in one or two parts, but other than that, I love the sound of this album.  It makes me want to take a roadtrip and have a dance party and know how to play guitar and sing along all at once.  It's pretty hard not to bob my head to these songs on my morning commute to work.
It's actually pretty hard to pick just one song to showcase but here's Temple which remains my favorite of this album. Mostly for its incredibly catchy qualities but it's got some alright lyrics too.

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