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Showing posts from May, 2014

The Mini Reveal

Okay.  It's time.  Not time for a big reveal or launch or anything, but time to just let you know what I've been working on lately.  It's been a hobby that has manifested itself in little ways for the past few years: Writing verses in a fancier-than-I-write-my-to-do lists way and taping them up on the walls of my bedroom.  Doing the most rudimentary graphic designing you'd ever seen by situating verses into text boxes alongside scanned pictures of things I had sketched. I'm not sure what to really call this but it all has to do with writing/drawing words in some sort of artistic manner, painting watercolor swatches, scanning them, and placing them together in publisher.  It's graphic design with a handmade twist, I guess.  And it's very new to me, but I have been getting so much enjoyment and purposefulness out of it.  Like, this is one of  my things.   My niche.  I've realized that this (whatever we...

Early morning post: day 5

It's not early morning. I know that much. But I've been on the road now for just about 16 hours, sleeping for a half hour or hour here and there. I haven't been driving, albeit, but time isn't necessarily in my firm grasp. I could've posted early this morning, probably. But the truth is, I didn't think about it. Also, relatively speaking, my writing this post now instead of earlier this morning is probably for the best. So anyway, what am I doing in a car for such a long time?  Would be an appropriate question, and the answer is that I am on my way to Florida with a friend and her family. I'm pretty tired of being in this car, but her dad has been driving this entire time so I'm not taking my spot for granted. And actually, I really really like road trips so don't get me wrong, my back just hurts.  So this post doesn't have a whole lot of structure, not do I for see it gaining much as I wrap it up. I do, however want to give it a point an...

Early Morning Post: Day 4

I think a more apt name might be just "The Morning Post" based on my latest writings, but as posting early in the morning remains my goal, I'll just leave it.   It's 9:11 A.M. on a Wednesday morning.  It almost couldn't get any more normal-sounding than that.  It is finals week (or for me, final week) as well as the week leading up to going on vacation with my friend, Kayla and her family.  I'm honestly not too sure what to be writing about right now except for maybe the things going on in my life.  I've been studying Anatomy and Physiology a lot this week, when I'm not working on my newest hobby (more on that in the future) or reading To Kill a Mockingbird or hanging out with Jake or friends.  That new hobby which I'm opting to not talk about yet and remain mysterious about is really exciting to me and I look forward to see what will come of it.  Hopefully I'll be able to share it in the not-so-distant future.  ANywho... That might do...

Thankful Thursday: Now

It's been some time since we've seen a new Thankful Thursday post submerge on this blog.  Needless to say, I've quite grandly dropped the ball on that one.  I'll just say it right now: I renig the absolution I once made to post one every week.   There.  That feels a little better. So to get to what I want to say on this Thursday regarding thanks, I'll first start out by saying that I am not where I'd like to be sometimes.  There are a lot of days or at least parts of days in my life when I wish I could fast forward. Or at least be in a different situation for the day.  Not to be too cliche and redundant (especially if you've just watched any sort of movie in which time is changeable ei. Click, About Time) but I also really really really don't want to miss the now .  Because even though I could get carried away with wishing, I am really really thankful for what I have. I'm thankful that I someday have my wedding to look forward to....