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Early Morning Post: Day 4

I think a more apt name might be just "The Morning Post" based on my latest writings, but as posting early in the morning remains my goal, I'll just leave it.   It's 9:11 A.M. on a Wednesday morning.  It almost couldn't get any more normal-sounding than that.  It is finals week (or for me, final week) as well as the week leading up to going on vacation with my friend, Kayla and her family.  I'm honestly not too sure what to be writing about right now except for maybe the things going on in my life.  I've been studying Anatomy and Physiology a lot this week, when I'm not working on my newest hobby (more on that in the future) or reading To Kill a Mockingbird or hanging out with Jake or friends.  That new hobby which I'm opting to not talk about yet and remain mysterious about is really exciting to me and I look forward to see what will come of it.  Hopefully I'll be able to share it in the not-so-distant future. 
That might do it for me this wednesday morning.

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