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Early morning post: day 5

It's not early morning. I know that much. But I've been on the road now for just about 16 hours, sleeping for a half hour or hour here and there. I haven't been driving, albeit, but time isn't necessarily in my firm grasp. I could've posted early this morning, probably. But the truth is, I didn't think about it. Also, relatively speaking, my writing this post now instead of earlier this morning is probably for the best.

So anyway, what am I doing in a car for such a long time?  Would be an appropriate question, and the answer is that I am on my way to Florida with a friend and her family. I'm pretty tired of being in this car, but her dad has been driving this entire time so I'm not taking my spot for granted. And actually, I really really like road trips so don't get me wrong, my back just hurts. 

So this post doesn't have a whole lot of structure, not do I for see it gaining much as I wrap it up. I do, however want to give it a point and resolve and my point is this: this vacation, I am deciding to be practicing the presence of God. 

The phrase sort of sounds like a religious mantra, but I assure you it's meaning is quite the opposite. There's a book named The Practice of the Presence of God written by a man named Brother Lawrence in (I think) the 1600s. (If i can recommend one book to anyone besides the bible, it's this one).  The whole book is an explaination and reiteration of what it means for every individual person to practice the presence of God all the time.  To sum it all up in my favorite quote from the book, I'll leave you with a quote and hopefully a desire to start to live in the presence of God as well. This week, I want to be honest with myself and aware of the fact that I need a bunch of grace every moment, and in understanding that, put every little ounce of hope and trust I can find in Jesus and in living in the presence of the Holy Spirit he's given me.
"If we only knew how much we need God's grace, we would never lose touch with him.  Believe me."

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