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Thankful Thursday: Now

It's been some time since we've seen a new Thankful Thursday post submerge on this blog.  Needless to say, I've quite grandly dropped the ball on that one.  I'll just say it right now: I renig the absolution I once made to post one every week. 
There.  That feels a little better.

So to get to what I want to say on this Thursday regarding thanks, I'll first start out by saying that I am not where I'd like to be sometimes.  There are a lot of days or at least parts of days in my life when I wish I could fast forward. Or at least be in a different situation for the day.  Not to be too cliche and redundant (especially if you've just watched any sort of movie in which time is changeable ei. Click, About Time) but I also really really really don't want to miss the now.  Because even though I could get carried away with wishing, I am really really thankful for what I have.

I'm thankful that I someday have my wedding to look forward to.  I have yet to experience what I have heard of as the incredible moment when you see your child for the first time.  I have the stability of a job I can come to almost every day of the week and expect a paycheck and almost anyone can tell you, that's something to be thankful for.  I have a place to live with my family who I get along with (usually) where I am not charged rent beyond a few chores and I'm thankful that I at least have my own space.  I'm thankful for the unsolicited advice that seems to flow very freely from people toward me right now.  Because sometimes, it's good, and sometimes it teaches me to hold my tongue, and sometimes it teaches me patience.  I'm thankful for being caught in what feels like the in between, because it's an opportunity to adapt and grow and find joy even when the place where I am seems rather "bleh".  And even though I can sometimes be tempted to live in the future in my mind when one day seems extraordinarily plain and boring, I'm thankful that I'm not in my future yet because I know that right now is something to be cherished and that I will value it.  To quote One Tree Hill,

"Then, quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today. Then someday is yesterday. And this is your life."
The truth is, if I can't learn to have joy in the day I'm in, I can't count on the future days to really be any better.  I believe it's true that some days are better than others, but the contrast of a bad day isn't what makes the good day superior.  To say that that's the truth would be to underappreciate the greatness of the good days.  To quote The Fault in Our Stars,
 “What a day,” he said. “If we lived in California, they’d all be like this."  “Yeah, but then you wouldn’t enjoy them,” my mom said. She was wrong, but I didn’t correct her."

 My goal is to be thankful for everyday, bad or good.  Because the fact that every day I'm blessed to wake up alive and with a new start is a gift, no matter what it's like.  Every day is an opportunity to respond with love and worship for God, and that's priceless.

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