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The Mini Reveal

Okay.  It's time.  Not time for a big reveal or launch or anything, but time to just let you know what I've been working on lately. 
It's been a hobby that has manifested itself in little ways for the past few years: Writing verses in a fancier-than-I-write-my-to-do lists way and taping them up on the walls of my bedroom.  Doing the most rudimentary graphic designing you'd ever seen by situating verses into text boxes alongside scanned pictures of things I had sketched.
I'm not sure what to really call this but it all has to do with writing/drawing words in some sort of artistic manner, painting watercolor swatches, scanning them, and placing them together in publisher.  It's graphic design with a handmade twist, I guess. 
And it's very new to me, but I have been getting so much enjoyment and purposefulness out of it.  Like, this is one of my things.  My niche.  I've realized that this (whatever we're going to call it) is a very fulfilling way of combining my love of text, typography and art all together into one.  I've mentioned several times throughout the posts how much I enjoy and appreciate literature, writing and words while most other art apart from photography has sort of fallen to the wayside for most of my life.  I have my own beliefs and reasons about the psychology of why it is I've seemed to shy away from other art forms like sketching and painting and maybe I'll dive into that sometime, but for now I'll just say that in dabbling with watercolor the past few months, I've discovered that I enjoy working with it and have decided to try to actually be decent  at those things I've left alone so far.
So where did this come from?
It all started one day at Atz, this local ice cream/diner food restaurant.  I was meeting a couple of my friends, Jenny and Katie there that day.  I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and  because I pay attention and think about these kinds of things in the bathroom, thought (no offense, Atz), "this place really needs to re brand."
As I made my way back to the table I told Katie and Jenny what I was thinking and Katie immediately said something like, "Yes! I would love to help design something like that!" and that there was the spark of it.  We talked about our ideas and possibilities and I showed her this verse I had written out and put in the front cover of a binder and she was beyond encouraging about how she thought it was beautiful.  So we both started putting things together and bouncing ideas off of one another and that's been happening for the last month of so, which brings us to today.  I know I've already learned so much about scanning and publisher and dropbox and paper types and pens and sketching and formatting and I still feel like I have a world of knowledge to learn yet.  This is a pretty exciting frontier for me and I really look forward to sharing and writing more about it here.

Here's a little taste of what I'm talking about. This is the first project I started working on and I couldn't even tell you if it's done yet but here's what I have so far.
P.S. The new-ish blog background is my watercolor as well

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