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Juice fasting: day 1 morning

The morning:
Woke up too late to begin with. That was seriously a really bad foot to start on but it all turned out alright. I had class at 8am and woke up at 7:20. Fortunate for me, I live about 7 mins away and don't care too much what I look like at school. That cuts down on some prep time I would have needed on a work morning (I don't wake up naturally looking business casual, plus I work a half hour away from work). So anyway, after I washed my face  I dragged (drug?) myself to the fridge, pulled out about a grocery bag worth of apples, bean sprouts, spinnach, grapes, cucumber and washed what I needed. (It looked like a bigger mess than it was).
Then I had a little trouble understanding my juicer, but eventually it started putting out some fresh green apple juice that smelled so good. I think you've got to agree- it looks good. And it tastes a lot like it looks, which is something I think is kind of interesting and cool about natural food. 
 I found out that bean sprouts don't really get juiced in a juicer-they just go right out into the pulp bin. Since I'm looking for a little extra protein today, I just ate some of those. Hey, at least they're still veggies, right? 
Anyway, I made a bottles full worth of juice using a few of everything I had gotten out and all of the spinnach since it spoils quickly and I have low iron anyway.  I threw a couple ice cubes in it and was on my way to class. I made it there, maybe a minute late, just in time for a quiz and a fetal pig dissection (yay). I'm out of class right now and just finished my bottle of juice and am making my way through about an equal portion of water. 
How do I feel? A little off, but not in a bad way. It's just not normal. I do feel like I have a caffeine headache (I'm usually an avid coffee drinker so that adds up), but the rest of my body feels good. 
One thought I've had is that it's nice knowing that even if I do feel a little off, that there's not something wrong. Since I'm filling my stomach purely with good things, I don't have to pay attention that I don't do it again. Like, after I had Taco Bell the other night, I didn't feel very good a few hours later, and I knew why- because what I had put in wasn't good for my body. Now, if I find myself feeling weird I can know that it's probably because my body is getting rid of bad and filling with good. I don't need to worry that I'm allergic or going to suffer later due to what I eat because it was bad. If I'm suffering later because what I ate was healthy, then it's just doing it's job and I just need to keep filling up on the goodness that our bodies were made to be fueled by. 

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