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Juice Fasting: Round 1 Overview

One of my last juicings.  Kale juice really
isn't as bad as you might think.  Give it a try!
I'm done with my first Juice Fast! Writing this at the moment, I have actually been done for a little over 3 days.  I broke my fast on friday (day 5) night with some soup my mom had made using some of the pulp from my juices (it was a little gross to look at but didn't taste bad).  The night before (day 4) I had a little bit of chicken broth but kept with just juice the rest of the time until I officially stopped.  I actually wanted to break the fast on Saturday (day 6) but as my family was getting ready for my sister's graduation party, there was hardly any room in the kitchen and it became one of those times where you just have to ask yourself if it's really worth sticking to your goal, and it wasn't. That night and throughout Saturday, my transition to normal eating went pretty well.  I stayed away from anything that wasn't fruit, veggies, or meat and I think it was fairly good.  The next day, I had strawberries for breakfast, some almonds as a snack and then some avocado, carots and dip for lunch.  After that, it sort of went downhill though.  I went to someone's graduation party and had too much from the taco and pudding selections for my body to handle.  My stomach felt pretty horrible later that day at the gym.  Yesterday (monday) morning and afternoon I ate pretty well.  Apples, water, homeade guacamole and pineapple.  But then my parents gave me a BOGO Flattop Grill coupon that they couldn't use that expired that day.  I asked Jake if he wanted to go and so we did.  Overall, it wasn't too bad, but I idefinitely could have skipped some of the carbs in the roti bread, noodles and brown rice. 
This morning, I had some coffee with cream and a little sugar, a bowl of oatmeal and fruit, some almonds, guacamole as a salad dressing, and strawberries.  I'm trying to get back on the wagon of how good I felt the last few days of juicing.  I miss not feeling bloated at all and I realize that's how I'm always supposed to feel!  I got so used to the extra junk in my body, I didn't even realize I could feel better. Looking (and feeling) slim without even having to hold my stomach in is motivation enough for me to integrate juicing into my life on a weekly basis as well as raw, whole foods during the times when I'm not.
So overall, I say cheers to juicing and I look forward to much more of it in my life.

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