11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?
I would try to argue against what they were saying if there was a way to do so (which, if the criticism was unjustified, there probably would be a legit counterargument). If there wasn't a good way to argue against what they were saying in defense of my friend, I would try to change the subject. As long as they weren't being jerks about it and it only happened once, I don't know if I would confront them about what they were doing. I would probably just try to change the topic of conversation but if it kept going back to the criticism I would confront them or point out why it shouldn't be happening. Chances are if these are three people that I admire, they would have been doing the criticism unknowingly and once it was pointed out to them, they would realize their wrong and stop.
12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
My advice would be to accept the fact that we are not born perfect (quite the oposite actually) and that the most wise and productive thing you can do about that is to turn your life over to Jesus who covers all of our imperfection. Pronto. Because if you hold out, there will be inevitable, unnecessary hurt.
*Of course hearing this piece of advice and knowing it with your heart are two different scenarios so this answer would be under the condition that they would take to heart what is said.
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
It depends on which law but (even though I believe it's wrong) in all honesty I think I would be willing to break some laws to save a loved one if it came down to it.
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
Yes. I know I have. And a bunch of times it was probably my mom but I can't remember any specific times right now.
15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
Think. I don't say that to say I'm all unique but I know everyone thinks differently. I think this is an area where I'm just different though because although there are a few exceptions, even my own friends think very differently from me sometimes and I find it hard to describe my own thought processes to people sometimes (some days it's harder than others). I'm not worried about it though because how boring would life be if we all thought the same way?
I would try to argue against what they were saying if there was a way to do so (which, if the criticism was unjustified, there probably would be a legit counterargument). If there wasn't a good way to argue against what they were saying in defense of my friend, I would try to change the subject. As long as they weren't being jerks about it and it only happened once, I don't know if I would confront them about what they were doing. I would probably just try to change the topic of conversation but if it kept going back to the criticism I would confront them or point out why it shouldn't be happening. Chances are if these are three people that I admire, they would have been doing the criticism unknowingly and once it was pointed out to them, they would realize their wrong and stop.
12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
My advice would be to accept the fact that we are not born perfect (quite the oposite actually) and that the most wise and productive thing you can do about that is to turn your life over to Jesus who covers all of our imperfection. Pronto. Because if you hold out, there will be inevitable, unnecessary hurt.
*Of course hearing this piece of advice and knowing it with your heart are two different scenarios so this answer would be under the condition that they would take to heart what is said.
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
It depends on which law but (even though I believe it's wrong) in all honesty I think I would be willing to break some laws to save a loved one if it came down to it.
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
Yes. I know I have. And a bunch of times it was probably my mom but I can't remember any specific times right now.
15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
Think. I don't say that to say I'm all unique but I know everyone thinks differently. I think this is an area where I'm just different though because although there are a few exceptions, even my own friends think very differently from me sometimes and I find it hard to describe my own thought processes to people sometimes (some days it's harder than others). I'm not worried about it though because how boring would life be if we all thought the same way?